Tuesday, September 30, 2008

a little humor

my cute little "M" says the funniest things! on saturday while we were driving he was telling me a birthday party that he had attended earlier that day. here is our conversation:
"M": jarom had a baby. his baby eats cake.
me: really? was it a boy baby or a girl baby?
"M": i do not know. it did not have a bow.

as you can tell, our little "H" is almost always accessorized! mommy loves to dress her up!

today we had another fun conversation:
me: "M" sister troyer sent home a treat for you and "A" (I was visiting teaching)
"M": did you say thank you?

i love that my children make me smile. it brightens my day and helps take away some of the grown up stresses of life. this past friday my dear friend janice's husband and 2 or her 4 children were in a very serious car accident. I am still quite shaken by the whole thing. i hope to never have to go through what their family has been dealing with for the past few days. the are a great family and know that they were being watched over. It was neat for me to be able to say a little prayer with her daughter in the waiting room of the e.r. i am so thankful for my knowledge of the plan of salvation and for temple covenants. it sure brings light to situations like this and luckily some that she was able to avoid. (for pictures of the crash link to janice on my blog).

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

i am . . .

I saw the neatest thing on a blog thought that it would be fun to do it myself.
I am--a wife, mother, daughter, sister, child of God.
I think--I have an amazing life.
I know--that I am not perfect.
I want--my husband and children to know how much I love them and how grateful I am for them!
I have--everything I need.
I wish--that my children could stay little and innocent forever.
I hate--when I lose my patience.
I miss--my kids when they are at school and the dating phase of our courtship.
I fear--not always being there for my kids.
I hear--nothing! yay! the kiddos are fast asleep.
I smell--clean laundry (needing to be folded).
I search--the scriptures.
I wonder--why I am so blessed.
I regret--wishing away times in my life.
I love--"K", "A", "M", "H" and my parents and sisters, laughing, making out with my cute hubby, reading, cleaning, holding my precious little baby.
I care--about my neighbors.
I always--thank "K" for asking me to marry him (I have everyday for 9 years), tell my family that I love them.
I am not--fake.
I believe--that everything happens for a reason.
I dance--with my husband and kids.
I sing--in the car.
I don't always--exercise.
I write--in my journal and in my kids' journals.
I win--when I am patient.
I lose--when I am not patient.
I never--swear.
I listen--to others.
I can usually--follow a recipe.
I can be found--on the go and with my family.
I am scared--of the dark.
I read--to my children everyday!
I am happy about--with where I am in my life.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

better home interiors

whoops! i forgot to post the name of the company and the address.
it is called Better Home Interiors.

super saturday

tis the season--it is time for super saturday yet again. i am so excited about this year!! last year i loved the calendar that i taught, but it was sooooo much work! well, this year is going to be even better!!!! i have found the neatest company (and girl that owns it!) and the best part is that she lives about a mile from me! who knew? i found her on tip junkie, started emailing her and then discovered that she lives so close by. i went to her house and she really is one of the best in the business of cute home decor!!!!! pop by her website or blog! we 2 projects that we are doing (even though i love soooo many more) are the temple board and the president monson quote tile. fun ideas for gifts!!!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

is this normal??

is it normal for little boys to tell their friends that if you they don't give them there toys that they will either hurt them or do other unkind things to them? is it just me, or this a weird way to act? "A" has now had 2 friends do this. it doesn't seem to make him upset, but i know that it bothers him. he is a really sweet boy, but luckily he isn't giving in with this. one boy has told him that if he doesn't give him his ipod or some of his transformers that he will hurt him (and actually has!)--the other was yesterday at school. his friend told him that if he didn't give him something he would make sure that his mom doesn't buy him a birthday present. silly!!!! i didn't grow up around boys, but this just seems crazy.
Maybe it's normal?

Monday, September 15, 2008

baby "H"

i have to take a minute to say how amazing our little baby "H" is. she is the cutest little thing! she smiles and cooes and just loves life--except for when she is hungry--boy does she let you know! she wants to eat and she wants to eat NOW!!!!! she is the best sleeper--very unlike her oldest brother who didn't sleep well through the night until he was about 3. baby "H" usually sleeps from 8:30pm-7:30am. she wakes up hungry and i wake up sore--that is a fair trade!!! i love that she has just adjusted to our schedule. i have no idea how we got so lucky or how long it will last, but we are really enjoying it!!!!!!!
one of my girl friends told me not to tell any of my friends with little ones how well she is sleeping. she said that they would punch me in the eye. i would have done the same thing if someone would have told me this when "A" was a baby. i will watch my back!!!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

memories of 9/11

This morning as "A" was getting ready for school I was talking to him about the significance of this day. It brought back a flood of memories. I feel a special bond with "A" in regards to 9/11 because I was pregnant with him at the time. I remember this day 7 years ago so vividly. When I first heard the news of the first tower being hit I was just getting off the freeway on my way to teach seminary. I was listening to a country station. I couldn't believe my ears. When I got to the seminary I called "K." He hadn't been feeling well and wasn't sure if he was going to go to his classes. He had turned on the "Today Show" and was glued to the TV. I remember how scared my students were. They ended up canceling school after the first class. The kids could stay if they wanted or their parents could pick them up. All of us teachers stayed at the seminary building and watched CNN. There was such a feeling of sadness, but yet our testimonies were strengthened that our Father in Heaven would protect and bring comfort to each of us. I have changed in many ways since 9/11. One big way is that I now have to sleep with a light on. I get very scared now when I cannot have control being able to see what is happening around me. Today after "A" gets home from school we will go to the "Healing Fields" and talk more about this day and the many brave men and women of this wonderful country!
God bless the USA.

Friday, September 5, 2008


hoorah! the radiologist from the hospital just called with good news! everything is fine! the lump was an excess of milk--nothing to worry about!!!!! i feel like i can breathe now. i am so grateful for a Heavenly Father who has continually blessed me with what i need. I am also so grateful for my amazing family and friends. a special thank you to those who fasted on my behalf and have called, etc. Karlie, thank you for the beautiful flowers. what a fun surprise. most of all, thank you "K". you are my rock, my sweetheart, my best friend. i love you sooooo much. thank you for asking!!! now, NO MORE DRAMA! PLEASE!!!!!!!